treatment facelift


Turn back the clock with natural and long-lasting facelift results, ideal for a rejuvenated appearance.
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Antalya – Turkey


✔︎ Over 5000 Case Experience
From £1400
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Antalya – Turkey


✔︎ Over 3000 Case Experience
From £1200

A Brief Introduction

Facelift, medically known as rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic surgical procedure aimed at rejuvenating the face by reducing signs of ageing. It involves tightening the facial muscles, removing excess skin, and reshaping the tissues to achieve a more youthful and refreshed appearance. If you’re considering this procedure, explore the clinics below for information on certifications, pricing, and the opportunity to ask questions to make an informed decision.

A Comprehensive Guide to Facelift Surgery

A facelift, or rhytidectomy, is a transformative cosmetic surgery that helps turn back the clock on facial aging. This comprehensive guide explores everything you need to know about facelift surgery, including the procedure, cost, recovery, and why Turkey has become a favored destination for this treatment.

Understanding the Facelift Procedure

What is a Facelift?

A facelift, also known as a rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure meticulously designed to address common signs of facial aging. Over time, factors like sun exposure, gravity, and the natural aging process can lead to sagging skin, deep wrinkles, and the development of jowls. A facelift is a comprehensive solution aimed at rejuvenating the appearance of the face by restoring a more youthful and vibrant look.

Types of Facelifts

There are several variations of facelift techniques, each tailored to meet the unique needs and goals of individual patients:

  1. Traditional Facelift: This is the most comprehensive type of facelift, addressing the entire face, including the forehead, cheeks, and neck. It involves making incisions around the ears, often extending into the hairline. Through these incisions, the surgeon can access and reposition underlying facial tissues, remove excess skin, and create a smoother and more youthful contour. (Duration: Typically 3-4 hours)
  2. Mini Facelift: A mini facelift, as the name suggests, is a less extensive procedure focused on specific areas of the face, typically the lower face and neck. This technique requires smaller incisions and is often preferred by patients seeking subtle yet noticeable improvements. (Duration: Usually 1-2 hours)
  3. Neck Lift: A neck lift specifically targets signs of aging in the neck area, addressing concerns like loose neck skin and the appearance of vertical bands or “turkey neck.” It involves incisions under the chin and, if necessary, around the ears to access and refine neck tissues. (Duration: Typically 2-3 hours)

The Facelift Process

During a facelift procedure:

  1. Initial Consultation (1 Hour): The journey begins with an in-depth consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. This discussion allows you to express your aesthetic goals, discuss your medical history, and address any concerns you may have. The surgeon conducts a thorough assessment of your facial structure to recommend the most suitable facelift technique.
  2. Anesthesia (1-2 Hours): On the day of your surgery, you will be administered anesthesia to ensure your comfort and safety throughout the procedure. The choice between local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia depends on the extent of the surgery and your surgeon’s recommendations.
  3. Incisions (1 Hour): The surgeon creates carefully planned incisions, typically placed around the ears and, in some cases, extending into the hairline. These incisions are strategically positioned to minimize visible scarring.
  4. Tissue Repositioning (2-3 Hours): With the incisions in place, the surgeon skillfully lifts and repositions the underlying facial tissues. This step is crucial for restoring youthful contours and addressing sagging skin.
  5. Excess Skin Removal (1 Hour): Excess skin is removed to ensure a smoother and more taut appearance.
  6. Incision Closure (1 Hour): The surgeon meticulously closes the incisions with sutures or other closure methods. The goal is to minimize scarring and ensure discreet and well-hidden incision lines.

The entire facelift procedure is conducted with utmost precision and attention to detail to achieve natural-looking and harmonious results. The specifics of the surgery, including incision patterns and techniques, will be discussed with you during your consultation, ensuring that your treatment plan aligns with your unique facial anatomy and cosmetic objectives.

Why Choose Turkey for a Facelift?

1. Cost Comparison

When considering a facelift, cost is undoubtedly a significant factor. Turkey offers a substantial cost advantage over the UK and Europe for this procedure. On average, the cost of a facelift in Turkey can range from £2,500 to £4,000. In contrast, having the same procedure in the UK or Europe may cost you considerably more, often exceeding £7,000 (also see the NHS’ cost prediction for the UK). This significant price difference in Turkey does not mean you’re compromising the quality of care or the final results. In fact, you can expect exceptional care, skilled surgeons, and natural-looking outcomes without breaking the bank.

2. High Standard of Care

Turkey has earned a reputation for maintaining exceptionally high standards of medical care and professionalism, making it an attractive destination for medical tourists seeking facelift procedures. Turkish clinics are diligent about adhering to international certifications, ensuring that patients receive top-notch care that meets or exceeds global healthcare standards. The facilities are modern, equipped with state-of-the-art technology, and designed to provide a comfortable and safe environment for patients.

3. Experienced Surgeons

One of Turkey’s standout qualities in the field of plastic surgery is the presence of experienced and skilled plastic surgeons who specialize in facelift procedures. These surgeons have honed their craft through years of training and practice, earning them a reputation for achieving natural-looking results and high patient satisfaction rates. Many of them are renowned for their expertise and ability to tailor facelift procedures to each patient’s unique needs, ensuring that the final outcome enhances their appearance while preserving their individuality.

4. Cultural Richness and Hospitality

Beyond the medical aspect, Turkey offers a unique blend of culture, history, and hospitality. Patients often find their journey to Turkey to be a rich and immersive experience. They can explore historic sites, enjoy diverse cuisine, and immerse themselves in the warmth of Turkish hospitality. This combination of healthcare and cultural exploration creates a holistic and memorable experience.

5. Tailored Treatment Plans

Turkish clinics understand that each patient is unique. They take pride in offering personalized treatment plans that address individual concerns and goals. Whether you’re seeking a subtle enhancement or a more dramatic transformation, Turkish plastic surgeons can tailor the procedure to match your preferences and deliver results that align with your vision.

6. Safety and Regulation

Turkey’s healthcare system is well-regulated and known for its strict adherence to safety standards. Patients can have confidence in the safety of their procedures, with many clinics offering internationally recognized accreditation. This focus on safety extends to surgical facilities, anesthesia administration, and post-operative care, ensuring that patients receive the highest level of safety throughout their facelift journey.

7. Multilingual Staff

Turkey’s strategic location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia means that many clinics employ multilingual staff who can communicate effectively in English and other languages. This eliminates potential language barriers and enhances the overall experience for international patients, making them feel more comfortable and informed throughout the process.

8. Easy Accessibility

Turkey is easily accessible from many European and Middle Eastern countries. Major international airports and well-established transportation networks make it convenient for patients to reach their chosen clinic. Moreover, many clinics offer airport transfers and accommodation assistance to streamline the logistics of the trip.

9. Medical Tourism Expertise

Turkey has gained recognition as a leading destination for medical tourism. Clinics and medical professionals in Turkey have extensive experience in catering to the needs of international patients. From initial inquiries to travel arrangements and post-operative care, patients can expect a seamless and supportive experience.

10. Natural and Subtle Results

Turkish plastic surgeons are renowned for their ability to deliver natural and subtle results. They prioritize enhancing a patient’s appearance while maintaining the essence of their unique features. This approach ensures that patients look refreshed and rejuvenated without an overt or artificial appearance.

Overall, choosing Turkey for a facelift procedure not only offers cost savings but also provides a holistic experience that combines medical excellence, cultural richness, safety, and personalized care. It’s a choice that can lead to not only physical transformation but also a memorable journey filled with discovery and comfort.

Facelift Recovery and Aftercare

Facelift Recovery Timeline

The facelift recovery timeline is a crucial aspect of the process, and it’s essential to understand what to expect during this period:

  1. Immediate Post-Operative Phase (Days 1-2): After your facelift surgery, the immediate recovery phase begins. You’ll likely experience some swelling and bruising around the face and neck. This is entirely normal and expected. Mild discomfort or tightness in the facial area is also common. Your surgeon will provide you with pain management instructions to ensure your comfort.
  2. First Week: During the first week, you should rest as much as possible. Avoid any strenuous activities and follow your surgeon’s advice regarding head positioning and sleeping to minimize swelling. You’ll likely have dressings or bandages that will be removed at your follow-up appointment.
  3. Two to Four Weeks: Swelling and bruising typically peak within the first few days after surgery and then gradually subside. Many patients feel comfortable returning to light, non-strenuous activities within this period. However, more physically demanding activities should still be avoided.
  4. Four to Six Weeks: By this time, most patients have returned to their daily routines. While some swelling may persist, it becomes less noticeable. Makeup can be used to conceal residual discolouration, if necessary.
  5. Several Months: Full recovery and the realization of your facelift’s optimal results may take several months. During this period, you’ll continue to see improvements in the appearance of your face as the swelling completely resolves. It’s essential to be patient during this phase, as the final outcome will gradually become more evident.

Post-Operative Care

To ensure a smooth recovery and achieve the best possible results from your facelift, follow these post-operative care guidelines:

  1. Wound Care: Keep the surgical incisions clean and dry as instructed by your surgeon. This involves gently cleaning the incisions and applying any prescribed ointments or dressings.
  2. Avoid Sun Exposure: Protect your skin from direct sunlight, especially during the initial healing phase when your skin is most sensitive. Sunscreen and protective clothing are essential.
  3. Medications: Take any prescribed medications, including pain relievers and antibiotics, as directed by your surgeon. These medications help manage discomfort and prevent infection.
  4. Strenuous Activities: Avoid strenuous physical activities, heavy lifting, and vigorous exercise for several weeks post-surgery. Gradually reintroduce exercise with your surgeon’s approval.
  5. Follow-Up Appointments: Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments with your surgeon. These visits are essential for monitoring your progress, removing sutures, and addressing any concerns.

Remember that every individual’s recovery experience is unique, and your surgeon will provide you with personalized guidance tailored to your specific situation. By following your surgeon’s instructions diligently, you can promote a safe and successful facelift recovery while enjoying the rejuvenating benefits of the procedure.

If you have further questions or would like to consult with highly experienced surgeons in Antalya, Turkey, who collectively have over 8000 cases of experience, please don’t hesitate to contact Op. Dr. Harun Şimşek Aesthetic Clinic and Feridun Elmas Aesthetic Surgery Clinic.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a facelift?

A facelift, or rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to rejuvenate the face by reducing wrinkles, sagging skin, and other signs of ageing.

What types of facelifts are there?

There are various facelift techniques, including traditional, mini, and neck lifts, each targeting different areas of the face and neck.

Why might I consider a facelift?

Facelifts are suitable for individuals looking to address age-related facial changes, such as sagging skin, deep wrinkles, and loss of facial definition.

How does a facelift work?

Facelift surgery involves tightening and repositioning the facial skin and underlying tissues to create a more youthful appearance.

How long does the facelift procedure take?

The duration of a facelift surgery varies depending on the specific technique and extent of the procedure. On average, it can take anywhere from two to five hours.

How long do the results of a facelift last?

Facelift results can last several years, but the aging process continues. Maintenance procedures and a good skincare routine can help prolong the effects.

Is a facelift painful?

The procedure is performed under anesthesia, so there’s no pain during surgery. Post-surgery discomfort is manageable with prescribed pain medication.

Is a facelift suitable for everyone?

Facelift candidates are generally individuals with visible signs of facial ageing, good overall health, and realistic expectations.

How much does a facelift cost in Turkey compared to the UK and Europe?

On average, a facelift in Turkey costs significantly less, with prices ranging from £2,500 to £4,000, compared to over £7,000 in the UK and Europe.

Are Turkish clinics known for maintaining a high standard of care and certification?

Turkish clinics are known to adhere to international certifications and have gained a reputation for providing top-quality medical care.

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