treatment breast augmentation

Breast Augmentation

Enhance your figure with expert breast augmentation procedures, perfect for boosting confidence.
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Antalya – Turkey


✔︎ Over 5000 Case Experience
From £1400
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Antalya – Turkey


✔︎ Over 3000 Case Experience
From £1200

A Brief Introduction

Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to enhance the size, shape, and symmetry of the breasts. This cosmetic surgery involves the placement of breast implants, typically filled with saline or silicone gel, to achieve the desired aesthetic results. Explore the clinics below to learn more about the procedure.

Breast Augmentation: Enhancing Confidence

Breast augmentation is a transformative cosmetic surgical procedure that has helped countless individuals achieve their desired breast aesthetics. This popular surgery involves the placement of breast implants to increase breast size, improve symmetry, and enhance overall breast appearance. If you’re considering breast augmentation, this guide will provide you with valuable insights into the procedure, recovery, and why many individuals opt for this life-changing journey.

Consultation: Your Path to Personalized Beauty

The journey towards breast augmentation begins with a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. During this crucial phase, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your aesthetic goals, medical history, and any concerns you may have. Your surgeon will play a vital role in helping you make informed choices regarding various aspects of the procedure.

  • Implant Selection: Breast implants come in different shapes, sizes, and materials. You’ll work closely with your surgeon to choose between saline and silicone implants, considering factors like look, feel, and personal preferences.
  • Size and Projection: Determining the right implant size and projection is a highly personalized decision. Your surgeon will consider your body type, existing breast tissue, and desired outcome to guide you in making the best choice.
  • Incision Placement: There are various incision options, including inframammary (under the breast crease), periareolar (around the areola), and transaxillary (in the armpit). Your surgeon will discuss which option aligns best with your goals.

The Surgical Procedure:

On the day of your breast augmentation surgery, you’ll be placed under anesthesia to ensure your utmost comfort and safety throughout the procedure. This anesthesia may be administered in the form of intravenous sedation or general anesthesia, depending on your surgeon’s recommendations and your personal preferences.

  • Choosing Anesthesia: Your board-certified plastic surgeon will discuss the anesthesia options with you during your pre-operative consultations. Intravenous sedation is often used for less invasive procedures, while general anesthesia may be recommended for more complex cases. Your surgeon will make sure you are well-informed and comfortable with the choice.

Once you are comfortably sedated, your surgeon will proceed with the carefully planned incisions. These incisions are typically made in inconspicuous locations to minimize visible scarring. The three primary incision options are inframammary (beneath the breast crease), periareolar (around the areola), and transaxillary (within the armpit). The selection of the incision location depends on your specific goals and the type of implant you’ve chosen.

  • Inframammary Incision: This incision is made within the natural fold beneath your breast. It offers excellent visibility for precise implant placement and is suitable for various implant sizes and types.
  • Periareolar Incision: This incision is made along the edge of the areola, providing subtle scarring that blends with the natural transition between the areola and breast skin. It is particularly advantageous when achieving precise areolar size changes.
  • Transaxillary Incision: If you prefer an incision away from the breast area, the transaxillary approach, made within the armpit’s natural crease, may be the preferred choice. This technique avoids any scarring on the breast itself.

Once the incision is made, your surgeon will proceed to create a pocket within your breast tissue. This pocket serves as the designated space for the breast implant. The implant can be placed either below the chest muscle (submuscular) or above it (subglandular), a decision that you and your surgeon will have discussed and determined during your pre-operative consultations.

  • Submuscular Placement: Placing the implant below the chest muscle can provide a more natural appearance and reduce the risk of visible rippling. It is often preferred for individuals with limited natural breast tissue.
  • Subglandular Placement: Placing the implant above the chest muscle may be suitable for those with sufficient breast tissue. This placement typically results in a shorter recovery period.

With the pocket ready, your surgeon will insert the chosen breast implant carefully. Depending on the type of implant (saline or silicone), it may be filled after placement or pre-filled.

One of the critical aspects of breast augmentation is achieving symmetry and balance. Your surgeon will make meticulous adjustments to ensure that the implants are positioned to meet your aesthetic goals and achieve the desired projection and shape.

After achieving the desired results, your surgeon will expertly close the incisions using sutures, adhesive skin tape, or surgical glue. These closure techniques are designed to minimize scarring and promote proper healing.

The outcome of your breast augmentation surgery will gradually become more apparent as you progress through the recovery phase. This transformative journey toward enhanced breast aesthetics is marked by the skill, precision, and artistic vision of your board-certified plastic surgeon.

Recovery & Post-Operative Care

Following your breast augmentation surgery, it’s natural to anticipate some downtime as your body begins the healing process. While individual recovery experiences may vary, here’s a general overview of what you can expect during the post-operative phase:

1. Initial Recovery Period (Days 1-7):

  • Downtime: Most patients can gradually resume their daily activities within a few days after surgery. However, it’s essential to remember that your body needs time to heal, so plan for limited physical exertion during this initial period.
  • Temporary Side Effects: You may experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort immediately after the procedure. These are common and usually subside relatively quickly.
  • Support Garments: Your surgeon will provide specific guidance on the use of support garments or surgical bras. These garments help reduce swelling and provide additional support during the initial stages of recovery.

2. Post-Operative Care (Days 7-14):

  • Follow Surgeon’s Instructions: Adhering to your surgeon’s post-operative instructions is crucial for a smooth recovery. This may include details about activities to avoid, recommended pain management strategies, and any necessary follow-up appointments.
  • Resuming Light Activities: While strenuous activities should still be avoided, you can gradually begin incorporating light activities into your routine as your surgeon permits. Walking is an excellent way to promote circulation and prevent blood clots.

3. Mid-Term Recovery (Weeks 2-6):

  • Recovery Timeline: It’s essential to understand that breast augmentation recovery is a gradual process. While you’ll likely feel better with each passing day, full recovery may take several weeks to months, depending on individual factors.
  • Scar Care: If you have incisions, your surgeon may recommend scar care products or techniques to minimize scarring. It’s essential to follow these recommendations diligently for the best results.

4. Long-Term Recovery (Months 2+):

  • Return to Normalcy: By this stage, most patients can gradually return to their regular activities and exercise routines. However, it’s crucial to listen to your body and avoid overexertion, especially during the early months of recovery.
  • Final Results: While you’ll notice immediate improvements in your breast appearance, it may take several months for your implants to settle fully, and for any residual swelling to completely subside. Your patience during this period will be rewarded with beautifully enhanced breasts.

Remember that every individual’s recovery journey is unique, and your experience may vary based on factors like your overall health, surgical technique, and the type of breast implants used. Your surgeon will provide you with personalized guidance to ensure a safe and successful recovery.

Longevity & Results: A Lasting Transformation

Breast augmentation results can provide lasting satisfaction, though longevity can vary based on several factors, including implant type, lifestyle, and natural changes in your body over time. Regular check-ups with your surgeon are essential for monitoring breast health and addressing any concerns promptly.

  • Implant Lifespan: Breast implants are not permanent and may need to be replaced or removed due to age or complications. Silicone implants tend to have a longer lifespan than saline implants.
  • Maintaining Results: Achieving long-lasting results requires proper care, including regular breast self-examinations and mammograms as recommended by your surgeon and healthcare provider.

Breast Augmentation in Turkey: An Affordable Luxury

One significant advantage of opting for breast augmentation in Turkey is the cost savings. On average, breast augmentation in Turkey can be significantly more affordable than in the UK and Europe. This cost-effectiveness, coupled with the high quality of care provided, makes Turkey an appealing destination for those seeking a breast enhancement procedure.

Average Price Comparison:

  • Cost of Breast Augmentation in Turkey: £2,000 – £3,500
  • Cost of Breast Augmentation in the UK: £5,000 – £8,000
  • Cost of Breast Augmentation in Europe: £5,000 – £9,000

Certifications and Standards in Turkish Clinics

When considering breast augmentation in Turkey, it’s crucial to prioritize safety and quality. Look for clinics and surgeons who adhere to international standards and certifications. Accreditation from organizations like the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) and approval from the Turkish Ministry of Health can provide assurance regarding the quality of care.

Why Choose Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a journey towards realizing your ideal breast aesthetics. With the right information and guidance, you can confidently make decisions about the procedure, taking into account the affordability in Turkey and the high standards of care available.

Embark on your path to renewed confidence and beauty with breast augmentation, a procedure that has empowered countless individuals to embrace their best selves. Consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to begin your transformative journey today. (See our certified clinics: Op. Dr. Harun Şimşek Aesthetic Clinic & Feridun Elmas Aesthetic Surgery Clinic)

This comprehensive guide provides valuable insights into breast augmentation, including the procedure, recovery, cost comparisons, and the advantages of choosing Turkey as your destination for this life-changing journey. With the right knowledge, you can make informed decisions and take the first step towards achieving your desired breast aesthetics.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to enhance the size and shape of a person’s breasts using breast implants or fat transfer.

How does breast augmentation work?

The procedure typically involves making incisions, creating a pocket for the implant, and placing it either behind the breast tissue (subglandular) or beneath the chest muscle (submuscular). This adds volume to the breasts.

Subglandular Placement: Implants go above the chest muscle but beneath the breast tissue, offering faster recovery and less discomfort. This option suits those with sufficient breast tissue and a desire for noticeable size increase.

Submuscular Placement: Implants are positioned beneath the chest muscle, resulting in a more natural appearance but potentially requiring a slightly longer recovery. This is often recommended for those with limited breast tissue, providing added support for the implants and a natural feel.

What does the breast augmentation process involve?

The process begins with a consultation with a plastic surgeon. During the surgery, incisions are made, implants are inserted, and the incisions are closed. After a recovery period, the results become more noticeable.

How are the breast augmentation prices in Turkey compared to the UK and Europe?

On average, breast augmentation in Turkey costs between £1,800 and £3,000, whereas the cost in the UK and Europe can range from £3,500 to £6,000 or more.

How long do breast implants last?

Breast implants are not considered lifetime devices. They may need to be replaced or removed in the future due to complications or personal preferences, typically after 10 to 15 years.

How do I care for my breasts after augmentation?

Follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions, including wound care, avoiding strenuous activities, and attending follow-up appointments for a smooth recovery.

Who is a suitable candidate for breast augmentation?

Suitable candidates should be in good general health, have realistic expectations, and be looking to enhance their breast appearance.

Why is Turkey a popular choice for breast augmentation?

Turkey offers high-quality breast augmentation procedures at a fraction of the cost in the UK and Europe, making it an attractive destination for medical tourists.

What is the recovery period for breast augmentation?

While the initial recovery takes about one to two weeks, it may take a few months for swelling to completely subside and the final results to become apparent.

How long should I wait to exercise after breast augmentation?

It’s advisable to wait four to six weeks before engaging in strenuous exercise or lifting heavy weights.

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