Don’t Miss Out: Power of Crown Teeth Starting from £130

Discover how crown teeth transform your smile, from choosing the treatment to seeing stunning results. Learn about costs, procedures, and more!
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Welcome to our guide all about crown teeth. If you’re thinking about getting crown teeth or just want to learn more, you’re in the right place. This guide is like a friendly chat about how crowns teeth can make your smile look better and keep your teeth healthy.

First, we’ll talk about what crown teeth are. Imagine a cap that fits over your tooth to protect it and make it look good, that’s what a crown is. We’ll tell you why people get them, how they help your teeth, and what happens when you get one. It’s like a mini-guide to give your teeth a new look.

But there’s more. We’re also going to compare crown teeth with veneers. Veneers are another way to make your teeth look better, but they’re a bit different from crowns. We’ll help you understand these differences so you can decide what’s best for you. Our guide is full of helpful facts and tips, and we’ve made sure it’s easy and fun to read. Let’s start this journey to learn about making your smile the best it can be!

What are Crown Teeth: Understand the Treatment

crown teeth example

Crown teeth, affectionately known as dental crowns, are like the superheroes of the dental world. Think of them as custom-made, tooth-shaped helmets that cover your tooth. Their mission? To save the day by restoring a tooth’s shape, size, strength, and appearance. Imagine a knight in shining armour but for your teeth!

So, when do these tiny heroes come into play? Crowns are the go-to solution when you have a broken tooth, your tooth has weakened by decay, or it’s looking a bit under the weather cosmetically. It’s like giving your tooth a makeover but with health benefits! A well-placed dental crown can protect and stabilize the affected tooth, improving overall bite and chewing efficiency, while an improperly fitted one can lead to bite issues and decay, potentially affecting the surrounding teeth. Whether you’ve had a rough encounter with a particularly hard candy or just want to jazz up your smile, crowning on teeth is your reliable pals.

The magic of crown teeth lies in their versatility. Made from materials like porcelain, ceramic, or metal alloys, they’re not just tough; they’re also fashionistas in their own right. They’re colour-matched to blend with your natural teeth, making sure they fit in like they’ve always been part of the gang. It doesn’t matter if you go with porcelain crowns or metal crowns, nobody will even notice they’re there – it’s like your tooth’s secret identity!

In addition to looking great, they also do an amazing job at keeping your natural tooth protected and strong. It’s like having a personal bodyguard for your tooth, keeping it safe from further damage or wear and tear. And let’s face it, who wouldn’t want a bodyguard for their teeth?

In summary:

  • Definition: Crown teeth, or dental crowns, are custom caps for damaged or aesthetically challenged teeth.
  • Purpose: They restore the tooth’s shape, size, and strength, and improve its appearance.
  • Usage: Ideal for teeth that are broken, decayed, or need a cosmetic enhancement.
  • Materials: Made from porcelain, ceramic, or metal alloys, tailored to match the colour of natural teeth.
  • Function: Protect the underlying tooth from further damage while enhancing the smile.

Crown Teeth Procedure: Learn the Steps

Getting crown teeth is a bit like going through a mini makeover for your tooth – it’s got all the steps of a transformation story. Let’s walk through this dental journey, step by step, but don’t worry, it’s not an episode of a scary movie!

crown teeth dentist discussion

Step 1: The Prep Talk: First things first, your dentist gets your tooth ready for its big day. This involves a bit of reshaping, like a sculptor chipping away at marble. It’s not about taking away from your tooth; it’s about making sure the crown will fit like a glove. This step is crucial – think of it as laying a solid foundation for your tooth’s new hat.

Step 2: The Impression Session: Next up is making an impression of your tooth. Your dentist takes a mould or uses computer-aided design (CAD) to capture the exact dimensions of your tooth. This is then used to create your very own, unique crown. It’s a bit like ordering a bespoke suit, but specifically tailored for your tooth.

Step 3: The Temporary Phase: While your custom crown is being crafted (which might take a few days), you get a temporary crown. Consider this a test drive. It’s not the final look, but it keeps your tooth safe and sound. Plus, it gives you a sneak peek of what’s to come.

Step 4: The Grand Finale: The moment you’ve been waiting for! Your custom crown is ready. Your dentist will gently remove the temporary crown and place the new permanent crowns. This step is all about finesse – ensuring the fit is perfect, comfortable, and looks as natural as your other teeth. It’s the crowning moment, quite literally!

You can watch the video below to learn more about the dental crown procedure:

In Summary:

  • Preparation: The tooth is reshaped to make way for the crown, ensuring a perfect fit.
  • Impression: A mould of your tooth is taken, which is used to create the custom crown.
  • Temporary Crown: A temporary crown is placed while waiting for the custom one, ensuring protection and a preview of the new look.
  • Final Placement: The custom crown is fitted, and adjusted for comfort and a natural appearance.

Front Teeth Crowns vs Veneers: Which One You Need

When you’re thinking about making your front teeth look better, you have two main choices: front teeth crowns or veneers. It’s a bit like deciding if you need a brand-new outfit or just a new shirt.

Dental crowns teeth are like a full cover for your tooth. They go all the way around and are great when your tooth is really in bad shape. Maybe it’s broken, has a lot of decay, or just needs a big change. A crown is like giving your tooth a new life. It makes your tooth strong again and looks good too.

crown teeth vs veneers

Veneers are more like just adding something to the front of your tooth. They’re thin and just stick to the front part. If you have small problems like a stain, a little chip, or a small gap between your teeth, veneers can help. They don’t change your whole tooth, just make the front look better.

Choosing between crowns and veneers depends on what your teeth need. If your tooth is really damaged or looks really bad, a crown might be best. But if you just want to fix a small problem and make your tooth look nicer, then veneers could be the right choice.

In Summary:

  • Crowns: Good for teeth that are really damaged or look bad. They cover the whole tooth and make it strong and nice looking.
  • Veneers: Good for small problems like stains, chips, or gaps. They just cover the front of your tooth.
  • Choosing: Depends on how bad your tooth is and what you want it to look like.
  • Ask a Dentist: It’s always a good idea to talk to a dentist to see what’s best for you.

Learn more about veneers:

Cost of Crown Teeth: Budgeting Is the Key

Talking about the cost of crown teeth is a bit like discussing the price of a holiday – it varies depending on the type of crown you choose, where you go and what you’re looking for. In the UK, for example, getting a crown can feel a bit like splurging on a fancy dinner, with prices ranging from £300 to £1,500. It’s not just about getting a new look for your tooth; it’s an investment in a happier, healthier mouth.

But let’s take a trip around the world. Over in the USA and Canada, the price tag for crown teeth can make your wallet feel a bit lighter too. In these countries, the cost typically falls between $800 to $3,000 and CAD 800 to CAD 2,500, respectively. It’s like picking a premium package for your pearly whites – the price reflects the quality and care you get.

Now, let’s talk about Turkey, a rising star in dental tourism. In 2022, over 1.3 million people chose Turkey for various medical treatments, and there’s a good reason for that. Turkey offers high-quality dental services at prices that won’t break the bank. The cost for a crown in Turkey usually ranges from about £100 to £500. That’s a sweet deal, especially considering the quality of care and the chance to recover with a lovely view!

crown teeth turkey

The secret behind Turkey’s affordability? It’s not about cutting corners – it’s about the country’s lower cost of living and operational costs, which allows clinics to offer high-quality treatment at more budget-friendly prices. It’s like finding a luxury hotel at a price that makes you smile as much as your new tooth will.

To learn more about where to go in Turkey for dental treatment:

In summary:

  • UK Cost: £300 – £1,500, a significant investment in dental health.
  • USA and Canada Cost: $800 – $3,000 (USA), CAD 800 – CAD 2,500 (Canada), reflecting premium dental services.
  • Turkey’s Appeal: £100 – £500 per crown, combining affordability with high quality.
  • Reason for Affordability: Turkey’s lower cost of living and operational costs make it a hotspot for dental tourism.
  • Rising Popularity: In 2022, Turkey attracted over 1.3 million medical tourists, thanks to its cost-effective yet quality medical services.
International quality standards copy

Crown Teeth Before and After: Let’s See the Results

Witnessing the before and after of getting crown teeth is like watching one of those home makeover shows – the change can be astonishing! Before the procedure, your teeth might look like they’ve had a bit of a tough time. They could be damaged, discoloured, a bit wonky, or just not looking their best. It’s like your smile is waiting for its moment to shine.

Then comes the transformation with crown teeth. It’s like your teeth get a fairy godmother who waves her magic wand. After the crowns are in place, those old issues – the chips, the stains, the odd shapes – are all taken care of. Suddenly, you’ve got a smile that’s not just uniform but also brighter and healthier-looking. It’s like stepping out in a brand-new outfit that makes you feel fantastic.

This change isn’t just about looking good in photos (although, let’s be honest, that’s a nice perk!). It’s about feeling good too. When your smile looks better, it can really boost your self-confidence. You might find yourself smiling more, talking more, and just enjoying showing off your teeth. Plus, your oral health gets a boost too, as crowns help protect and strengthen your teeth.

It’s one thing to talk about it, but seeing those before and after shots really brings the story to life. You can see for yourself how much of a difference crown teeth can make:

Crown Teeth Quick Fact Sheet

DefinitionCustom-made caps (crowns) for teeth, used to restore shape, size, strength, and appearance.
IndicationsDamaged or decayed teeth; Teeth with large fillings or post-root canal; Cosmetic enhancements
Procedure Steps1. Tooth preparation 2. Impression for custom crown 3. Temporary crown placement 4. Fitting final crown
Crowns vs. VeneersCustom-made caps (crowns) for teeth, are used to restore shape, size, strength, and appearance.
Cost (Approx.)UK: £300 – £1,500; USA: $800 – $3,000; Canada: CAD 800 – CAD 2,500; Turkey: £100 – £500
DurabilityTypically 5 to 15 years, varies with material and dental care.
StrengthStrong enough for normal biting and chewing, especially on front teeth.
Maintenance RequirementsRegular dental hygiene and check-ups essential for longevity.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a crown for teeth?

A crown for teeth, also known as a dental crown, is a custom-made cap placed over a tooth. It’s designed to restore the tooth’s shape, size, strength, and appearance, especially when the tooth is broken, weakened by decay, or for cosmetic improvements.

How can I understand if I need crown teeth?

You might need crown teeth if you have a tooth that’s significantly damaged, decayed, or has a large filling. Also, if you’re seeking cosmetic improvements for misshapen or discolored teeth, crowns can be a solution. Consultation with a dentist is the best way to determine the need.

How long do crowns last on front teeth?

Crowns on front teeth can last between 5 to 15 years or more, depending on the material used, oral hygiene, and habits like grinding teeth. Good dental care can extend their lifespan.

How long do crowns last on teeth?

Same with the previous question, on average, dental crowns last between 5 to 15 years. This varies based on material, dental hygiene practices, and individual habits like chewing hard foods or teeth grinding.

How strong are the crowns on the front teeth?

Crowns on the front teeth are quite strong and durable. They are designed to withstand the normal forces of biting and chewing, though they might not be as strong as natural teeth in some cases.

Why do crown teeth fall out?

Crown teeth can fall out due to several reasons, including decay under the crown, improper fit, weak cement, or heavy biting forces. Good dental hygiene and regular check-ups can help prevent this.

Are crowns bigger than regular teeth?

Crowns are not necessarily bigger than regular teeth. They are custom-made to match the size, shape, and color of your natural teeth, ensuring a natural fit and appearance.

Are crowns bad for your teeth?

Crowns are not bad for your teeth; they are a protective and restorative solution. However, the process involves reshaping the tooth, and poor fitting or improper care can lead to issues. It’s important to have them done by a skilled dentist.

Are crowns fake teeth?

Crowns are not fake teeth but are more like covers or caps for your existing teeth. They are used to restore the function and appearance of damaged or decayed teeth, fitting over your natural teeth.

Other Dentistry Related:


Cleveland Clinic: “Dental Crown

BUPA: “Filling, Crowns, and Veneers: Crowns

Healthdirect: “Dental Crown Procedure

Healthline: “Everything You Need to Know About Getting a Dental Crown

NHS: “What are NHS fillings and crowns made of?

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Best Clinics Abroad

At Best Clinics Abroad, we explore the world of dental magic—implants, veneers, crowns, and enchanting smile makeovers. We analyze researches, read patient reviews and collect feedbacks to understand the details of hair transplant techniques like DHI and FUE. We jump into the world of plastic surgery, including rhinoplasty, facelifts, and breast augmentation.

At Best Clinics Abroad, we're not just here to provide information; we're your trusted guide. Our goal goes beyond unraveling the mysteries of procedures and breaking down cost structures. We want to be your guide in navigating clinics, understanding offers, and exploring diverse approaches.

Turkey, with its unique combination of affordability and top-notch quality, serves as the canvas for your medical journey. Join us on this transformative exploration. Whether you choose our services or not, our commitment remains the same —to empower you with knowledge as your trusted guide. Discover each treatment, explore the beauty of Turkey, and make informed decisions about your well-being.

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